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Revision as of 20:27, 21 October 2008


Aka ... Doctor Acula, Marry Poppins.

Tends to say, "Hookers."

Background Information:

Romaniac (Rom) was born in the Sudan to Al Elbawa and Meira Takalanaba in the small Sudanese town of Porkbin. He was sold into slavery at the age of 7 where he was forced to work several years on a German cruise line. It was here that he had his first homosexual experience with the cruise ship's cook. Rom also converted from Islam to Haitian Voodoo during these years. After being freed and spending years with his lover, Joachim, the cruise ship was sunk by gay pirates and Rom was once again set into bondage and experienced a life of deckswabbing. He swabbed many a decks and was the ship's main cannon cleaner. Rom took well to his job and his cannon polishing became renowned and admired all the way from Key West to San Francisco.

Rom, now age 15, was attending the Gay Pirates Association of Cannon Polishers (Gay PACP) in the United States when he saw his chance for escape. Murdering a young teen protester of Gay PACP, Rom took his place and has posed as that family's son ever since.

One year later, Rom discovered Ranger Squad when accidentally linked over from a German midget porn site, Das Stunties!, to the RS webpage.