3022 Olympics

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3022 Olympics

The 3022 Olympics, held in space on the planet Zargon, face financial difficulties ultimately leading to most of the events cancelled, running out of oxygen and the accidental self-destruction of the Olympic village.

It highlights the dangers of trying to hold sporting events in space.

The first three events to be cancelled were - space disk, space swords and space luge. All othere events were declared pending and remain in that state as of now.

The fate of future competitions is in doubt, as the Space Olympics Event Coordinator sacrificed himself for the good of the free-loading athletes and Micheal Phelps' clone, who was obviously brain dead. It remains unclear why the alien hordes decided to attack during the evacuations. It is rumored that they were related to the Aztecs.

This event was immortalized in perhaps the greatest space olympics song every written. http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/video/clips/digital-short-space-olympics/656361/